Monday, July 25, 2011

Ilai Vadam(rice Kichiya)

When I was young, our summer mornings were spent in helping mom make delicious fry-ums(vathal and vadam). We loved to eat the dough, and the semi-dried vadam. I wanted to share that experience with my kids. We had a really hot days here last week. I decided to make ilai(leaf)vadam one morning. It is a healthy, non-fat snack suitable for all.

1C each of raw rice and boiled rice, soaked overnight
4 green chili
asafoetida(as required)
salt, as required
 1t omam(ajwain)
Ilaivadam stand
1. Grind rice and chili together with water,  to make a smooth batter.  Add water to make is liquidy. Add salt and asafoetida; mix well and leave it overnight to ferment.
2. Next mornig, add ajwain, and mix well.  Check for salt and add if required.
3.Lightly grease the Ilai vadam plates with sesame oil. Using a small rounded spoon, spread the prepared batter very thin on the plate. Arrange all the plates on the stand.

4. steam in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes. Remove from the cooker.  Gently peel the vadam from the plate and lay them on a sheet of white cloth. Repeat this process. Gently carry the sheet and place under sunlight to dry.  You may want to turn them once to dry on both sides. The vadam will be brittle once dried. Store them in air-tight container. You can fry them in oil or microwave them and serve as snack or as side for rice.


  1. You can buy them in the vessels shop in India. You might find them in Indian stores outside India.
