Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hummus(Garbanzo Spread)

My kids are excited today. We're going to the midnight show of the last movie of the Harry Potter Saga.
I love Hummus. It is a simple spread and is easy to make.

1C. cooked garbanzo beans(chick peas), reserving liquid
1 clove garlic, minced
2 T. tahini(sesame butter)
juice of 1/2 lemon(use as wanted)
soy sauce to taste
parsely as garnish
1 T. extra virgin olive oil
crushed red pepper flakes to taste


Puree all the ingredients, thinning with bean cooking liquid or a little plain yogurt as necessary.  Serve with raw vegetables, or toasted pita bread, or spread for sandwich. Store in a glass container,and refrigerate.


  1. Hi!
    You are reminding me of my good old days of my tryout reipies.Remember!!!I use to watch food tv all the time.I tried the recipies of Rahael Ray.It came out very nicely.iam missing the foodtv channel here...

  2. Yes,I remember.. you have plenty of food channels in India too right.. try some mine and let me know..
