Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Pecan-Orange Baklava Pie

I came across an interesting pie recipe on Epicurious before Thanksgiving, Pecan-orange baklava pie. I was going to make it, but my husband wanted the traditional Pecan pie. I have tried making baklava once many years ago. It is time consuming and I have not made it again. Baklava is a sweet dessert pastry made with layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetend with honey and sugar syrup. The baklava pie looked intersting. I decided to make it for New Year's eve party yesterday. It was a great hit at the party.


2/3 cup honey
2 (3") cinnamon sticks
1 1/2 cups sugar, divided
3 tablespoons bourbon
3 cups raw pecans
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon orange zest, plus 1 tablespoon orange curls
20 (17x12") sheets frozen phyllo pasrty, thawed
1 cup (2 stick) unsalted butter, melted


1.Preheat oven to 350 degree F. Bring honey, cinnamon sticks, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup water to a boil in medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Reduce heat to medium and continue to boil util syrup is reduced toabout 1 1/2 cups. Transfer to a medium bowl, stir bourbon, and let cool.
2. Meanwhile, spread pecans on large rimmed baking sheet and toast pecans until golden brown. Let cool.
3. Transfer nuts to a food processor. Add ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon orange zest, and remaining 1/2 cup sugar. Pulse until coarsley chopped.
4. Place stack of phyllo sheets on a clean work surace. Kep any phyllo not currently working with covered under a layer of plastic wrap topped with a slightly damp kitchen towel.
5. Using base o sprongform pan as a guide, and sarting at edge of phyllo, carefully cut out 20 (9") circles, leaving as much phyllo remainig as possible. Cover phyllo circles. Using base of pan as a guide, cut remaining phyllo into 20 (4 1/2") half-circles.
6. Insert base into pan and secure the latch. Brush base with butter. Place 1 phyllo circlein pan and brush generously with butter. Top with 2 half-circles to creat a full circle, brush with butter. Top with full circle, brush agian. Top with 2 more half-circles at a 90deg. angle from the first half-circle layer, brush with butter. Top with a full circle, and brush again. You should have 5 layers of pastry(full circle- half-circles- full circle- half-circles- full circle), with butter spread between each layer. Spread one-fifth of nut mixture over phyllo. Repeat layering 4 more times. Top with the 5 remaining phyllo circles; brush top with butter.
4. Using a sharp knife, score the top layer (do not cut through to botom of pan) to divide into  quadrants. working with 1 quadrant at a time, make 1 straight cut to divide the quadrant into 2 even wedges. Make 4 more straight cuts (2 each on either side of, and parallel to the quadrantdivision line), spacing evenly apart. Now working within each wedge, make 2 evenly-spaced cuts parallel to the outside edge of the quadrant, connecting at points with the previous cuts  to form a diamond pattern. Repeat with the remaining quadrants to creat a starburst pattern.

5. Transfer pan to a rimmed baking sheet and bake until phyllo is golden brown, about 45 minutes.
6. Spoon cooled syrup over hot baclava in  4 additions. Place orange curls on top. Let cool completely in pan. Remove springform ring and cut baklava along the scored lines.

Syrup can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.
Baklava can be made 3 days ahead. Cover and store at room temperature.

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