Sunday, June 16, 2013

Green Peas Paratha

Looking in my freezer for something, I came upon a bag of frozen peas and decided that it would be a treat to make stuffed Parathas with it. My daughter helped me make it for her dad for Father's Day. I made his favorite dish, Mirchi ka Salan to go with it.

Ingredients for stuffing:
2 C fresh or frozen green peas, boiled, drained and mashed
2-3 green chili, chopped
1/2 t coriander-cumin powder
1 t chili powder(optional)
1/4 t turmeric powder
salt to taste
Ingredients for Paratha(Flat Bread):
3 C whole wheat flour
enough hot water
1 t oil
1/2 t salt

1. Add water, salt and oil to the flour and knead to a soft dough.
2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a medium pan. Saute chili and mashed green peas; stir in salt and spices. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
3. Divide dough into large balls(tennis ball size). Flatten ball with rolling pin; place 1 tablespoon filling in the center, close it by bringing  the ends  over the filling and make into a ball. Flatten  it  with  rolling pin to make a bread.
4. Repeat the process with remaining dough.
5. Cook Parathas on a hot griddle using a teaspoon oil and both sides. Serve hot with yogurt and pickle or any vegetable. It would be great plain too.

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