Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chocolate Truffle Torte

Last week was my husband's birthday. I was going to make Mango cake. But the mangoes at home were not ripe enough, so  I asked him what he wanted and got a request from my daughter. Guess what she wanted. Chocolate Cake! No surprise there. So, I went through my trusty Betty Crocker  cook book, and decided to make Chocolate Truffle Torte. I could not find hazelnuts anywhere in my town. I  had to drive 10 miles to buy them. But it was worth the trip. You should have seen my husband's reaction when he took the first bite. Made me happy to see it.

1 C semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 C stick margarine or butter
1/2 C all-purpose flour
4 eggs, separated
2/3 C hazelnuts, finely chopped and toasted
Chocolate Truffle Filling
Whole or chopped hazelnuts, if desired

1. Heat oven to 325 F. Grease bottoms and sides of 2 round 9x1 1/2 inches, with shortening. Line bottoms of pans with waxed paper.
2. Melt chocolate chips and margarine in heavy 2-quart saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly; cool 5 minutes. Stir in flour until smooth. Stir in egg yolks until well blended.
3. Beat egg whites in a large bowl with electric mixer on high speed until foamy. Beat in sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, until soft peaks form.  Fold chocolate mixture into egg whites.  Fold in toasted hazelnuts.  Spread in pans.
4. Bake about 25 minutes or until tops of cake appear dry and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool 5 minutes. Run knife along side of each cake to loosen; remove from pan to wire rack.  Remove waxed paper. Cool completely.

5. Prepare Chocolate Truffle Filling. Spread 2/3 cup of the filling on bottom layer. Top with other layer. Frost top and sides with remaining filling.  Drizzle with any remaining filling and garnish with hazelnuts.

Chocolate Truffle Filling:

2 C semisweet chocolate chips
1/4 C stick margarine or butter
1/2C hazelnut-flavored nondairy liquid creamer

1. Heat chocolate chips and margarine in a heavy 2-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted; remove from heat.
2. Stir in creamer. Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes, stirring frequently, just until thick enough to mound and hold its shape when dropped from a spoon.  If filling becomes too thick, microwave on High 10 to 15 seconds to soften.