Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bhoondi Laddu

Everybody in my family loves laddu. I started making this for Diwali 9 years ago. The first 2 years I did not get it right. The syrup was not right. I finally figured out the mistake : I left the syrup on the stove even after turning it off.

2 C besan
1 pinch baking soda
3 C sugar
1 C water
1 T roasted cashews, broken
5 clove, fried in ghee
1 t fried raisin
1 t diamond sugar candy(optional)
1/2 t powdered cardamom
kesar food color

1. In a large pan melt sugar in water. When the sugar dissolves, continue to heat to form syrup of half string consistency. Remove from stove. Add a little kesar food color and saffron to the syrup.
2. Sift besan and baking soda. Add enough water to make a batter, not too thick or thin. When poured on a sieved spoon(bhoondi ladle) and tapped, bhoondi should be rounded.
3. Heat oil in a broad pan. When the oil is hot, pour a ladle of batter on a bhoondi ladle. Keep the ladle over the oil and tap gently or rub fast with the spoon. Small droplets of batter will fall into the oil. Remove the bhoondi when it is half cooked(should not be crisp), and put in the sugar syrup. Repeat the process with the remaining batter.
4. Add cardamom, cashew, diamond sugar candy,raisin, and clove to the sugar, bhoondi mixture. Gently mix everything.
5. Allow it to cool slightly. Grease your hands with little ghee. Take a little bhoondi mixture and make ball; gently tossing in your right hand, while pressing with your left. Place the laddu on a tray. Allow it to set before storing.

The syrup should be removed from heat immediately after 1/2 string consistency.
The syrup should be warm while putting the bhoondi in it.

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