Saturday, March 6, 2021

Nutella Cupcakes

 My kids love Nutella on everything. A few months back my friend had posted picture of Nutella cupcake on Instagram. She shared the recipe with me and I made it in November when my kids were home. Just found the time to write the recipe. I adapted the recipe from Cupcake Jemma. These beauties are moist and rich in taste. My daughter couldn't keep her hands off these lovelies.

Ingredients for 12 cupcakes:

For the cupcakes:

1/3 Cup Hazelnuts, roasted, skinned and pulverized

1/2 Cup + 2 Tablespoons self raising flour

1/4 Cup Cocoa powder

5/8 Cup white sugar (125 g)

1/4 baking soda

Pinch of salt

5/8 Cup unsalted butter, softened

2 Large eggs

1 1/2 Tablespoons whole milk

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


For the butter cream:

1/4 Cup + 3 Tablespoons Unsalted butter, softened

2/3 Cup Nutella

1 Cup Confectioner's sugar, sifted

3-4 Tablespoons whole milk

More Nutella and hazelnuts for decoration 

Ferro Rocher chocolates for decoration



1. Preheat oven to 340 degrees F. Blitz roasted hazelnuts to a fine bread crumb consistency.

2. Place powdered hazelnuts in the mixing bowl of a stand mixer.                               

3. Sift flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda and salt into the bowl.


3. Add butter and eggs.


4. Beat everything together for 30 seconds on medium speed.


5. Slowly add milk and vanilla while the mixer is running. Continue to beat for 1 more minute.


6. Spoon equal amount of batter in cupcake mould lined with paper cups. Bake for 20-25 minutes.


 Remove from the oven and cool in pan for 10 minutes before removing them from the pan and cool completely on cooling racks.


7. While cupcakes are cooling make the butter cream.

8. Beat softened butter, and Nutella on high speed for 4-5 minutes to a smooth silky consistency.


9. Add the sifted confectioners sugar in two stages, beating  well between each addition. Add 3-4 tablespoons milk and mix to make the icing spreadable.


10. Take a large piping bag with a round nozzle. Paint the insides of the bag with Nutella. Dip a large spatula in the Nutella and spread the insides with it for streak.

11. Spoon the icing into the bag. Pipe the icing on the cupcakes. You can see the stripes of Nutella along with icing.

12. Decorate the cupcakes with roasted hazelnuts or top them with Ferro Rocher  chocolate.


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