Friday, September 25, 2020

Carrot Cake

 A friend had planned a zoom meet for 4:30 PM today for our mutual friend who turned 50 today. At 2 PM. I decided to bake a cake. I then called the 3 friends and we decided to surprise the birthday by visiting her instead of zoom call. I had 2 hours to bake a cake, frosting, and get ready to go see her. I was going to make a chocolate cake. But, my friend is  not a dessert person. So, I decided to make her a carrot cake and ice it with cream cheese frosting. But, I did not have cream cheese at home. No worries, I placed the cake in the oven, dashed to the super market for the cream cheese. Came home, cooled the cake for a few minutes, and then stuck it in the freezer for a quick cool, while I made the cream cheese frosting. I made it to my friend's house with the cake by 4:40 PM. And the cake was an absolute hit!


1 1/2 Cups brown sugar
1 Cup coconut oil
3 large eggs
2 Cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground dried ginger
3 Cups shredded carrots
1 Cup coarsely chopped walnuts


1. Heat oven to 350 degree F. Grease bottom and sides of 2 round pans,8-inches, and lightly flour them.
2. Sift flour, and baking soda. Add the spices, and salt. Mix well.
3. Mix sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl until blended. Beat 1 minute.


4. Stir in flour mixture. Beat 1 minute.

5. Fold in carrots and nuts.


6. Gently mix until blended.


7. Pour into prepared pans. Bake for 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.


8. Cool in pan on wire rack. Place one cake on a turntable. Spoon half of cream cheese frosting. Place the other cake on top. Frost the entire cake with remaining frosting. 



I halved the recipe and made just one cake, as I was pressed for time. I just frosted the cake, instead of filling and frosting.

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