Friday, July 26, 2013

Vazhakai Puli Kootu(Plantain stew with tamarind)

Every part of Banana tree is used in South Indian kitchens,from the trunk of the plant to fruit. A good friend of mine gave me her mother's recipe using plantain. It is a stew made with tamarind and can be had with rice. I made this kootu couple days ago for dinner. My son who usually doesn't like any kootu ate it 3 times. It was that good!

2 Plantain,peeled and diced 
1/2C tamarind extract(gooseberry size tamarind)
1/4 C black eyed peas, cooked and drained
1/2 C cooked toor dal
1/4 t turmeric powder
salt to taste
1 t channa dal
1/2 t urad dal
3 red chili
1/4 t rice
For tempering:
1/2 t mustard seeds
1/4 t urad dal
2 red chili
2 t coconut oil

1. Place plantain, tamarind extract, turmeric powder, salt, asafotida and enough water in a medium saucepan and cook till plantain is soft.
2. Meanwhile, roast all the ingredients for masala with 1 teaspoon oil. Allow to cool and powder it. Keep it aside.
3. Add cooked dal and black eyed peas to cooked plantain. Stir in powdered masala. Cook          for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. 
4. Heat coconut oil and temper mustard and urad dal and red chili. Add it to the kootu. Serve hot with cooked rice.          

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