Friday, July 26, 2013

Vazhakai Podimas(Plantain Curry)

I had 3 plantains left in my refridgerator for a week. My mom suggested that I should use
1 potato with it and make this dry side dish for bitter gourd sambar. I used a lot of onion and green chilies for this dish.

3 plantain and 1 potaoto, cooked
2 onions, chopped
3-4 green chillies,chopped
mustard seeds,urad dal,channa dal for seasoning
1 t turmeric powder
salt to taste
1t chopped cilantro
lemon juice to taste

1. Peel cooked vegetables and mash.
2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a medium pan over medium heat. Add mustard seeds, urad dal and channa dal; stir till  they splutter. Add chopped chili and onion; stir till onion is cooked. Stir in turmeric powder and salt. Add mashed vegetables; stir everything for 2 minutes.  Check for salt. Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serve as side dish with rice and sambar.   

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