Monday, May 3, 2021

Muthu Dosai (Pearl Crepes)

 My mom came up with the name, Muthu Dosai when we were little, because of the white tapioca pearls that adorn this delicious crepe. Black Gram or Vigna mungo is rich in protein and fiber. It is a great immunity booster and is believed to bring about hormonal balance and strengthen the reproductive organs of women of reproductive age. Black gram is extensively used in Indian kitchens. I made black gram dosa the other day for dinner. The batter does not require fermentation. You can make the crepes immediately after grinding.

Ingredients for 5 servings (about 20 dosas):

1 Cup whole black gram (urad), dehusked
1/4 Cup parboiled rice
1/4 Cup sabudhana (tapioca pearls)
4-5 green chili
1 teaspoon asafoetida
salt to taste
oil for making crepes


1. Soak rice and black gram together for 6 hours. Soak sabudhana separately.


2. Grind rice and black gram along with green chili to a smooth batter by adding water as required. You can grind in a wet grinder or a blender. Add salt and asafoetida. Transfer batter into a large bowl.



3. Drain water from sabudhana and fold it into the batter. 

4. Heat skillet (tava) on medium heat. Pour about 1/2 cup of batter in the center of the skillet. Spread the batter to a thin circle using the ladle. Drizzle the top of the crepe with 1/2 teaspoon oil. 


5. Cover with a lid and cook for couple minutes. Open the lid, flip dosa over and cook for another couple minutes, until both sides are cooked and golden brown. Adjust the heat so the dosa doesn't burn. Transfer to a plate.


6. Repeat process with remaining batter. 



This dosa does not require fermentation. 
The batter will be thick because of the nature of black gram. You can add little water to make the batter slightly thin to spread the batter to thin dosa. 
Make sure to cover dosa before flipping over.

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