Sunday, December 6, 2020

Chemba Rice Puttu

 Puttu is an integral part of Kerala. Steamed rice flour and coconut in a special vessel called Puttu kudam (pot), a long tube filed with rice flour and coconut, placed on top of a pot with water. The steam from the the boiling water steams the puttu. In Kerala, it is served with black garbanzo beans curry or with sugar and banana. Puttu and kadala curry was the only dish served for breakfast on Sundays in the hostel I stayed while was in college.

Ingredients for 3 servings:

1 Cup coarse rice flour (red/white puttu podi)

1 Cup fresh grated coconut

water to sprinkle 

1/2 teaspoon salt

Puttu kudam 



1. Take puttu podi in a medium bowl. Add salt. Moisten with just enough water and mix to a crumble mixture.


2. Fill the puttu kudam with water (up to the marking). Place the pot on the stove.

3. Place the slotted plate at the bottom of the tube. Fill the bottom with 2 teaspoons coconut. Top with 2 Tablespoons puttu podi. Alternate with coconut and puttu podi. Top it off with coconut.


4. Place the lid on the tube. Place the tube on the pot. Cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. 


5. Turn the stove off. Remove the tube. Gently push the steamed puttu onto a plate. 


6. Serve with black garbanzo curry or sugar and banana.



1. Puttu cooked in this pot is called kuzha (tubular) puttu. 

2. This puttu can be steamed in pressure cooker if you do not have the puttu kudam. Mix coconut with the puttu podi and steam in a pressure cooker insert. Remove from the stove and serve with sugar or curry.

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