Saturday, April 4, 2020

Wheat Flour Halwa

Being cooped up inside all the time is not easy. I am trying to keep my sanity by trying different things. My mom has been talking about wheat halwa the entire week. I remember this being served at weddings in India. It would take hours to make it from wheat berries. She gave me an easy recipe to make this from wheat flour. We would have celebrated my parents' 50th anniversary today (April 3) had my dad been alive. I made this in their honor today. It took only 20 minutes using just 4 ingredients.

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted ghee
1 1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon cashew nuts
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
1 tablespoon sugar, caramelized

1. Roast cashew nuts in 1 tablespoon ghee to golden brown. Remove from the heavy bottomed pan and set aside.

2. Roast wheat flour on medium heat in the same pan using half of the ghee. Boil water simultaneously. Add sugar to water and melt.

3. Pour this water to the roasted wheat flour, stirring constantly. Caramelize 1 tablespoon sugar while halwa is cooking and stir this into wheat flour mixture while still hot. This enhances the color of  halwa. This is optional.

4. Stir halwa, adding remaining ghee util halwa comes to center without sticking to the bottom and attains a sheen. Stir in roasted cashew and powdered cardamom.

5. Remove from stove and store in a container.

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