Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lemon Pickle

It's summer time. we can find fresh lemon in the farmer's market at a good price. It is easy to make juicy pickle from the lemon to savor with yogurt rice.


6 lemons(washed)
5-6 T fresh red chilly powder
1 t powdered feneugreek
1/2t asafotida
1t turmeric powder
salt to taste
sesame oil(required )


1. Heat a pan with 1 tablespoon of oil. Place the lemons in the pan, roast them by turning them from time to time. You will know they are done when water spurts from the lemon. The lemon may become brown in some spots. That is alright. remove from the the heat and cool.
2. Cut the lemon to desired size, while discarding the seeds and place them in a large bowl.  Add salt  for every few pieces.  Add the remaining spices to the bowl and mix well.
Heat the sesame oil, season the mustard. Allow it to cool completely. Pour the oil to the lemon. Mix thoroughly. Let it sit for a day.  Check for salt and spice before  bottling  the pickle. Make sure that there is enough oil floating above the pickle.

This pickle can be consumed the same day. Refridgerate it immediately.

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