Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eggless Pancake

This morning my son wanted to have pancake for breakfast. I decided to try making them without eggs this time. I found a vegan recipe in a book and decided to make it vegetarian instead. The kids loved it. I had one too even though I don't like pancake.  Hope you enjoy making this delicious pancake.

11/2 C milk
1T+1t lemon juice
2 C all-purpose flour
1 T+1t baking powder
1/2 t ground cinnamon
1/4 C plain yogurt
1 T safflower oil or coconut oil
2 T pure maple syrup
Butter for cooking

1. Pour milk in a large cup,add lemon juice, stir gently and allow it to sit for 10 minutes to curdle.
2. Meanwhile,sift the dry ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk together. At this point heat the griddle and oil it and keep the heat on low.
3. Add the yogurt, oil, and maple syrup to the buttermilk and whisk until well incorporated. Use a rubber spatula to combine the liquid with the flour mixture. stir until just blended. There may be lumps.
4. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter onto the lightly oiled hot griddle. Just pour the batter and it will spread on its own. If it doesn't, you may need to add little more milk to the batter. Wait till the top is bubbly on top and then flip it over. The pancakes are ready when you see steam coming out from the bottom.  Enjoy with your favorite toppings and syrup.

You may add fresh berries(chopped) to the batter.
You may add nuts or chocolate chips to the batter.
I used coconut oil for the batter and mixed some berries to the batter.

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