Sunday, February 7, 2021

Deepavali Marundhu

 Deepavali marundhu or legiyam has this name because it is especially made a day before Deepavali, and a spoonful of this is given to everyone to eat before we partake in the festival goodies. It helps in digestion. This legiyam is also given to postpartum women to help heal faster. In my house, I have this legiyam in my kitchen through out the year. I eat a spoonful of this medicine whenever I feel bloated from indigestion. Actually, I like to eat a spoonful everyday. This is prepared by cooking a special spice powder in melted palm sugar (vellam or gud) to a ball consistency. Ghee (clarified butter) and honey is added to it. The dry powder is available in herbal drugstores in India. It can also be made at home. My mom makes this powder whenever she goes to India and brings it for us. I remember she brought all the ingredients here when I was pregnant with my son and made the powder at home. 


1 Cup legiyam powder
1/4 Cup water (adjust) 
1 1/2 Cups vellam (palm sugar)
1/2 Cup ghee
1/4 Cup honey


1. Take legiyam powder in a medium bowl. Add water to it and mix well to make a thick paste. Keep aside.

2. Melt gud/vellam in a non-stick saucepan with 2 Tablespoons water on medium heat.


3. when gud melts, add the legiyam paste. Combine well without any lumps.


4. Cook for 20 minutes, adding ghee intermittently until legiyam gathers to a ball consistency, without sticking to the bottom. 


5. Remove from stove. Cool completely before adding honey.


6. Store in a glass or stainless steel container.


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